le Blog

We’re Going to the Zoo!!!

One of the greatest pleasures in being a parent in Paris is exploring the "other" Paris, the sort of Paris that isn't in the movies or front-and-center in every guidebook. Sure, it's cool to take your kid to the Eiffel Tower or to one of the many world-class museums here, but how many times are you... Continue Reading →

The Age of Dinosaurs Is Upon Us!

At 22 months Zef fell in love with dinosaurs. It was an accident that had the feeling of an accident waiting to happen. Around our house there are always a number of books sprawled about, filling our bookshelves, lodged in the crevice between the window and the heating radiator, shoved behind the spices on the... Continue Reading →

Le temps passe vite!

The other day my wife and I walked into our local grocery store with Zef. We took him out of the stroller and let him walk around, holding one of our hands of course. He is 16 months now and knows well enough to look, but not touch. He'll approach something, point to it, and... Continue Reading →

Dad-ing It

There are different types of parents. Some are more hands on than others. But us dads, we all have one thing in common: we know when it's time to chill. 

Walking Baby Among The Dead

Planning to head to the Père-Lachaise cemetery? If you have a baby, you might want to think twice. Père-Lachaise sits alongside a fairly steep hillside and those cobblestone paths that seem all-so quaint, well, they bounce the stroller all over the place, jogging your little mister or miss awake. If that wasn't bad enough, if you happen to... Continue Reading →

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